British Wool sets the standards for wool farming practises and wool products
British Wool (formerly the British Wool Marketing Board) is owned by around 40,000 farmers in the UK. The organisation collects, grades, markets and sells British wool on behalf of their producers to the international wool textile industry. Wool that has been through their system is quality assured and fit for purpose and products bearing the British Wool Crook Mark logo are products that the consumer can trust.
The organisation is also the approved provider for sheep shearing and wool handling training in the UK, training more than 800 people across the UK every year. A team of highly skilled and experienced registered instructors are responsible for leading the courses.

British Wool works closely with DEFRA, FAWC, RSPCA, SSPCA and ISPCA to ensure that high standards of animal welfare is maintained by British farmers. They also promote the Welfare of Farmed Animals acts and regulations for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and have commissioned a study – “Best Management Practices” to give sheep farmers a comprehensive summary of husbandry, health and environmental standards under which British wool is produced.
Copyright©British Wool 2020